Monday, May 18, 2020

The Butterfly Effect Essay - 1078 Words

The Butterfly Effect As I ran my left hand across the smooth leather seat, I couldn t help but try to adjust my highly uncomfortable seatbelt. I would ordinarily protest to put on my seatbelt, which would cause an argument between my mother and I, but I decided that I enjoyed my phone more than I enjoyed not wearing a seatbelt. After lecturing me on the rules of the road, my mother then proceeded to gossip about the daily shenanigans at Head Start as we came to a stop sign at the end of a four way intersection. Since my phone had died, I propped my face up on my hand and stared out the front passenger side window listening to her gossip. I realized that we would be stuck at this light for a while, so I began observing the cars that†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"How’s she doing,† one of the intruders said with a deep voice. â€Å"She s stable,† another intruder said in a soft, female voice. â€Å"How long do you think she ll be like this,† she said questioned. â€Å"I m a doctor Laura, not a psychic. I ve seen people in comas for days and then I ve seen people in comas for months, I’m not sure,† the doctor said. I heard the door open and close, I assumed they both left, leaving me alone in my thoughts. They were my nurse and doctor†¦ I wasn t having sleep paralysis, I was in a coma. So many thoughts flooded into my mind. Where was my mom? Was she alive? Did she know where I was? Did she know that I was in coma? Then I remembered something I saw on Twitter the night before called The Butterfly Effect. The Butterfly Effect is the scientific theory that a single occurrence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever. I thought about my mom and I arguing about me wearing my seatbelt, she saved my life. If I never would have made the small decision to put on my seatbelt, I most likely would ve died. The more I pondered, the drowsier I got, until after what felt like an eternity, I fell asleep. I woke up to the smell of a perfume,I almost instantaneously recognize the sweet smell of coconut along with a hint of vanilla, it was my mom. â€Å"I read that some people can hear when they’re in comas,† she said with hope as she grabbed myShow MoreRelated THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT Essay715 Words   |  3 Pages â€Å"Butterfly Effect† was perhaps one of the best films I have ever seen. I found it mysterious, interesting and fascinating. I wanted to write my reaction paper about â€Å"Butterfly Effect† because of the similarity to the film we saw in class called â€Å"Donnie Darko†. 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