Friday, February 28, 2020

Product evaluation on bluetooth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Product evaluation on bluetooth - Essay Example The name Bluetooth is borrowed from Harald Bluetooth, a king in Denmark more than 1,000 years ago† (Mitchell par. 1). The aim of the current discourse is to provide a product evaluation of Bluetooth through identifying its uses, benefits, costs, and other relevant concerns that users must be aware of. Bluetooth is deemed to be designed for the purpose of providing a cheap and secure tool to connect and exchange various information between the abovementioned devices without the need for connections or wires. As disclosed by the site, Bluetooth could be used for the following endeavors: â€Å"sending photos from your mobile, exchanging business cards, sending voice from a headset to a mobile phone, and real-time satellite navigation using GPS† (FileSaveAs par. 3). Due to the wireless capabilities of Bluetooth, one of its evident advantages is that it is less messy, easy to apply and access, and is also a cheap tool for exchanging various kinds of information from diverse technological devices. Likewise, it was also apparent that it requires low power and exemplifies low interferences. In addition, there are different options of connectivity to enable the users to apply to the devices of their personal or professional choice. Despite the apparent advantages, Bluetooth technology has also been reported to manifest the following disadvantages: (1) use of the same frequency as of the Wavelan standard; (2) in cases of presence of multiple users attempting exchange of information using the same technology, there is a need for the recipient to screen and indicate the acceptable source; (3) it was reported to include diverse security mechanisms to prevent violations of privacy and confidentiality (Neamo). In fact, there were reported security breaches and concerns regarding Bluetooth that were revealed, to wit: bluejacking; calls being overheard; identification of similar devices in

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Regions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Regions - Research Paper Example The specific concept that emerged during this period was altered the conception of the region. The concept was not a descriptive unit but rather, and it was a theoretical unit. The intellectual transformation was wedded to geopolitical conditions that comprised war and militarism. The transformation was driven by an imperative in advancement in science. The article shows an increase in the demand for regional intelligence and research that could address social challenges adequately. A new regional model that is linked with the solidification the strategic regions of the world open to America power and there is an emergency of complex technology involved in science. The evidence provided to support the main point of the second reference is the measurement takes in situ. The article provides a time comparison of the offensive patterns at two points in Oresund, a Scandinavian border region in between Sweden and Denmark. The analysis was carried out to facilitate the understanding of the relationship between crime and demography, land and social-economic covariates. The measurement is taken at the original point of occurrence and hence in situ. The implication of the main point of the first reference is the explanation between the advances in science and technology and military operations. The article implies that as science and technology advanced the operations of the military also advanced. The implication of the main point of the second reference is that there is a possibility of crime in the border to continue growing interest in Europe. The increased interest is as a result of the enlargement of the European Union and the increase in the movement across the border. The movement is facilitated by improved communication systems. The increased communication systems lead to the continuous change in the offensive pattern across the border. The two main points can be combined to