Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Responses from DQ1 andDQ@ CC and AAw2d2 1 and 2 Assignment

Responses from DQ1 andDQ@ CC and AAw2d2 1 and 2 - Assignment Example It does also not protect junior employees from manipulation by their seniors. The act is therefore more concerned with accurate financial reporting of corporations to the Securities and Exchange Commission. A spot check on the act shows that it only affects external auditors, boards of directors, corporate roles, and the PCAOB in a move to heighten investor confidence in the organizations (Halbert, 2010). It is exceptionally true that corporate employees fear losing their jobs if they decided to talk about illegal activities in their organizations. However, employees have of late been enlightened of their rights incase of unjustified work termination. According to Cox (2009), the Sarbanes-Oxley act (2002) is exceptionally clear on the responsibilities of senior executives regarding their roles in their respective organizations. Of importance to the executive is giving truthful financial information to the Securities and Exchange Commission and this is his or her duty to loyalty towards the organization, and to some extent, duty to care (Harris, 2003). The Sarbanes-Oxley act also protects the corporations from executive malpractices; therefore, external auditors and PCAOB are mandated to check any irregularities that may arise from senior corporate executives. It is therefore very much agreeable that the Sarbanes-Oxley act has helped streamline corporations that are prone to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Summer of the Gods Essay Example for Free

Summer of the Gods Essay The Butler Act refers to the law prohibiting teachers in Tennessee to teach their students, theories that purport to go against the creation theory as found in the bible. It prohibits teaching of any theory that would allude to the notion that man has gradually evolved from a lower primate. This law passed in January 1925. The passing of this law sparked a lot of controversy pitting more than half of the Christians living in the state of Tennessee against political and civil rights activists. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) had been vehemently opposed to this act and vowed to offer its services in defense of any teachers accused of violating the Butler Act. It is in the bid to accomplish this that ACLU and other civil rights activists placed an advert seeking for a volunteer teacher. John Scopes responded and volunteered to test the act. A case was built out of this on the belief that Scopes had indeed taught against the creation theory to his student in Clark County High School. Scopes with the help of the civil right movements deliberately incriminated himself in the greater mission of bringing to the public limelight the unfairness of this act and how it was a grave violation of a teacher’s freedom. The trial that would follow would see the meeting of great legal minds. One of this was Clarence Darrow,a self proclaimed atheist and William Jennings Bryan, assisting the prosecution at the request of the World Christian Fundamental Association. A look at this trial indicates that Scopes was just being used as pawn in what had become an ideological turf of war as demonstrated by the sort of the high profile personalities it attracted. William Jennings Bryan had been alleged to have been instrumental on drafting the Butler Act in the belief that citizens should have a say in what was taught in schools. Clarence volunteered to join the defense to further use it as a forum to propagate his beliefs and attack the basis of Butler Act especially the foundation of Christian beliefs. The American Civil Liberties Union on the hand was seeking to mount its opposition and challenge the constitutionality of the Butler Act. (Carson 91) Clarence Darrow was highly agonistic and used this trial to attack the fundamental Christians. It is to be noted that the main aim of the trial as projected by ACLU was to defend Scopes by invalidating the Butler Act. However, Clarence Darrow would go ahead and take it to a level where he sought to invalidate Christian teachings, a radical shift and diversion from ACLU key intention. Darrow’s argument in courts and his cross examination of William Jennings Bryan was supposed to be a clear illustration of his stand. In this cross examination and the argument regarding whether the Jonah was swallowed by a big fish or by a whale was supposed to invalidate the bible and hence attack the very foundation of Christianity, diminishing its importance and hence the Creation theory. This trial, as Carson says, was important not only to Darrow and ACLU but even to the rest of the Americans. It sought to embody the characteristically American struggle between liberty and majoritarian democracy (265). Darrow had an intention of throwing a spanner in the already turbulent debate that had dominated the public domain for long; science and religion. The stand of ACLU was that the Butler act was inappropriate and unconstitutional, it impeded on teachers independence and freedom of imparting knowledge to the students. They agreed that teaching of evolution theory did not in any way contradict the teachings in the bible but rather was merely giving a science perspective of the origin of man to students (Carson 89). Darrow’s cross examination of Bryan was meant to cast a doubt to Bryan’s convictions in the biblical teachings. Bryan was fronting an argument that Butler Act was but a well meaning effort by the legislature to have a say in the curriculum that students were exposed to. Clarence Darrow was maintaining that the arguments given by the prosecution were invalid. He saw the Butler Act as an unconstitutional strategy by the legislature to promote the views of one religious group over others. Butler Act had outlawed any teaching that was contrary to the biblical teachings. The Scopes trial brought a lot of attention to the issues of evolution and biblical teachings. It is this trial that would ignite and spark a far reaching debate wishing to delink religious views from science. The defense was trying to argue that Scopes was trying to teach the various perspectives of the origin of man and not seeking to contradict biblical teachings. It was been by Christian fundamentalists as a wider war on culture. Teaching of evolution theory was seen as way of putting into disrepute the biblical teachings. Most religious groups have come to note that this debate is inevitable and have demanded that evolution theory be taught as one of the many theories of the origin of mankind but not be taught as a scientific fact. Works cited Edward J. Larson. Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America’s Continuing Debate over Science and Religion. Basic Books New York, NY, 1997, 99-269

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Future Conservation Officer: Battling Physical Challenges :: Personal Narrative Career Essays

A Future Conservation Officer: Battling Physical Challenges The career that I would like to achieve is the one that I have dream of since my dad inspired me as a little boy. I have always wanted to be a conservation officer for northern Michigan. A conservation officer must be able to perform all the tasks set before him. Some of these are enforcing fish and wildlife laws, patrolling and protecting parks and forests, and maintaining the environment. For me as a dyslexic this makes learning and mean tanning a professional standard in the job field hard. This not only poses a physical challenge, it header’s my outlook on life. I not only see thing a different way also learn thing in a different way. For me I am an auditory, hands on learner. As conservation officer they should also be able communicate verbally and nonverbally with people and deal with high levels of pressure. In order for a conservation officer to be successful, that why I am here at like state delaying with my physical handicap. To reach these dreams here at lake state the computer technology is off the chats I have an hp laptop that I have software that I can read to me called read please and I can read to my computer with dragon. I also have a scanning pen that works great for homework and notes. I also got a digital tape recorder that will link to my computer and I can convent that in to typed later notes. The ORSC can get any and all books on tap for me and I can lessen to him instead of reading them with all the technology I can archive my goals her at lake state. I interviewed Casey Elliot from the Shiawasse Conservation Office. In his short time there, he said that he had learned that it was important to volunteer your time as a student. He graduated from Central Michigan University two years a go. He told me that prospective employers looked at his graduation records and if he had spent any time as a volunteer while attending college it would have helped his job chances. He talked a little about his job and what he does. He really does not have a typical day, but some days he walking farm fields to make sure that farmers are farming the land they claim to be farming. A Future Conservation Officer: Battling Physical Challenges :: Personal Narrative Career Essays A Future Conservation Officer: Battling Physical Challenges The career that I would like to achieve is the one that I have dream of since my dad inspired me as a little boy. I have always wanted to be a conservation officer for northern Michigan. A conservation officer must be able to perform all the tasks set before him. Some of these are enforcing fish and wildlife laws, patrolling and protecting parks and forests, and maintaining the environment. For me as a dyslexic this makes learning and mean tanning a professional standard in the job field hard. This not only poses a physical challenge, it header’s my outlook on life. I not only see thing a different way also learn thing in a different way. For me I am an auditory, hands on learner. As conservation officer they should also be able communicate verbally and nonverbally with people and deal with high levels of pressure. In order for a conservation officer to be successful, that why I am here at like state delaying with my physical handicap. To reach these dreams here at lake state the computer technology is off the chats I have an hp laptop that I have software that I can read to me called read please and I can read to my computer with dragon. I also have a scanning pen that works great for homework and notes. I also got a digital tape recorder that will link to my computer and I can convent that in to typed later notes. The ORSC can get any and all books on tap for me and I can lessen to him instead of reading them with all the technology I can archive my goals her at lake state. I interviewed Casey Elliot from the Shiawasse Conservation Office. In his short time there, he said that he had learned that it was important to volunteer your time as a student. He graduated from Central Michigan University two years a go. He told me that prospective employers looked at his graduation records and if he had spent any time as a volunteer while attending college it would have helped his job chances. He talked a little about his job and what he does. He really does not have a typical day, but some days he walking farm fields to make sure that farmers are farming the land they claim to be farming.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Historiography of the Origins of the Cold War Essay -- History His

The Historiography of the Origins of the Cold War There have been many attempts to explain the origins of the Cold War that developed between the capitalist West and the communist East after the Second World War. Indeed, there is great disagreement in explaining the source for the Cold War; some explanations draw on events pre-1945; some draw only on issues of ideology; others look to economics; security concerns dominate some arguments; personalities are seen as the root cause for some historians. So wide is the range of the historiography of the origins of the Cold War that is has been said "the Cold War has also spawned a war among historians, a controversy over how the Cold War got started, whether or not it was inevitable, and (above all) who bears the main responsibility for starting it" (Hammond 4). There are three main schools of thought in the historiography: the traditional view, known alternatively as the orthodox or liberal view, which finds fault lying mostly with the Russians and deems security concerns to be the root cause of the Cold War; the revisionist view, which argues that it is, in fact, the United States and the West to blame for the Cold War and not the Russians, and cites economic open-door interests for spawning the Cold War; finally, the post-revisionist view which finds fault with both sides in the conflict and points to issues raised both by the traditionalists as well as the revisionists for combining to cause the Cold War. While strong arguments are made by historians writing from the traditionalist school, as well as those writing from the revisionist school, I claim that the viewpoint of the post-revisionists is the most accurate in describing the origins of the Cold War. In the years imme... ... sides as having been the cause of the struggle. In evaluating the historiography of the origins of the Cold War, I deem the post-revisionist account to be the most convincing of all those assessments offered thus far. Bibliography McCauley, Martin. The Origins of the Cold War 1941-1949. 2nd Ed. Longman. London, 1995. Hammond, Thomas, Editor. Witnesses to the Origins of the Cold War. University of Washington Press. Seattle, 1982. Gaddis, John Lewis. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History. Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1997. Saull, Richard. Rethinking Theory and History in the Cold War. Frank Cass. London, 2001. Crozier, Brian et. Al. This War Called Peace. Sherwood Press. London, 1984. Fleming, D. F. The Cold War and its Origins, 1917-1960. George Allen and Unwin. London, 1961. Morgan, Richard. The Unsettled Peace. BBC. London, 1974.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Modern Short Story Essay

Modern Short Story Essay Early 20th Century authors often wrote about the strange things and discrepancies found in society and used irony to criticize them. Katherine Mansfield’s â€Å"A Cup of Tea† and Virginia Woolf’s â€Å"The Duchess and the Jeweller† both use irony to condemn and show inconsistencies in social classes. The short stories demonstrated how being upper class or rich doesn’t necessarily mean you are secure, generous or a good person. A main topic found in the two stories is that money can’t buy someone self esteem if they never had it.Both main characters seem to have everything but use material things to fill their insecurity and neither of them have what they really want. The Jeweller had become very wealthy and admired. He was envied by every man he encountered yet inside the Jeweller still felt inferior and as though â€Å"†¦he was a little boy in the alley where they sold dogs on Sunday. † (Woolf 6) At the e nd of the story the Jeweller sits back and thinks of how he was tricked and is the same fool he will always be.In â€Å"A Cup of Tea† Rosemary is â€Å"[A] young, brilliant, extremely modern, exquisitely well dressed, amazingly well read in the newest of the new books,† (Mansfield 1) woman. The only thing Rosemary lacks is physical appearance. She was not the best looking female and unfortunately that flaw bothered her and was one of the reasons she was so insecure. Rosemary is also rich and able to purchase anything she wanted. The only thing Rosemary couldn’t purchase was self esteem and this showed at the end of the story when she asks Phillip the simple question of â€Å"‘Am I pretty? † (Mansfield 8) Both stories show how the main characters satisfy their selfish needs instead of just doing the right thing. The Jeweller is an experienced and successful jeweler and knows he should make sure the pearls presented to him to purchase are authentic. T he Jeweller didn’t see what he was losing, â€Å"†¦he saw not the houses in Bond Street, but a dimpling river; and trout rising and salmon; and the Prime Minister; and himself too, in white waistcoat; and then, Diana. He looked down at the pearl in his hand.But how could he test it, in the light of the river, in the light of the eyes of Diana? But the eyes of the Duchess were on him. † (Woolf 6) Once he believes will get Diana and pictures himself as royalty, he quickly buys the pearls without testing them to fill his own selfish desires. As a result, he is tricked. In the other story Rosemary wants to bring home the little girl so she can show her off and play with her like a little toy doll to keep to herself. Instead of just helping the poor girl by giving her money, Rosemary thinks of her own selfish desires.When deciding whether or not to bring home the nameless girl Rosemary thinks â€Å"†¦such an adventure. It was something out of a novel by Dostoevsk y, this meeting in the dusk. Supposing she took the girl home? Supposing she did do one of these things she was always reading about or seeing on the stage, what would happen? It would be thrilling. And she heard herself saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends: ‘I simply took her home with me,’ as she stepped forward and said to that dim person beside her: ‘Come home to tea with me. †(Mansfield 3) Rosemary thought this would be her chance to impress her friends and show how much of a good woman she was. One final similarity found in the two stories is the demonstration of the upper wealthy class behaving immorally and manipulative. In the Duchess and the Jeweller the Duchess uses manipulation to cheat the Jeweller and get what she desires. The Duchess enters the Jeweller’s store claiming that she only has ten pearls, she states on page 4 that those ten pearls are â€Å"‘All that’s left me, dear Mr. Bacon,’† (Woolf 4).Not only was the Duchess able to guilt the Jeweller into getting she wanted she made him believe he was getting rewarded with the gift of spending a long weekend with her daughter and becoming part of royalty class. In â€Å"A Cup of Tea† Phillip was able to manipulate his wife Rosemary by aiming at her weak spot, which was her insecurity. Phillip believes that Rosemary bringing home the little girl is not amusing and an absurd thing to do. To trick Rosemary into getting the little girl to not stay for dinner Phillip attacks very sneakily.Phillip simply states â€Å"‘Good Lord! ’ Phillip struck a match. ‘She’s absolutely lovely. Look again, my child. I was bowled over when I came into your room just now. However†¦ I think you’re making a ghastly mistake. Sorry, darling, if I’m cruse and all that. But let me know if Miss Smith is going to dine with us in time for me to look up The Milliner’s Gazette’. † (Mans field 7) As soon as Phillip tells Rosemary all these things about the little girl Rosemary is came over by jealousy and wishes the little girl to leave.So not only does Phillip manipulate Rosemary but she then allows her own jealously to overcome her desire to help the poor girl. In conclusion, the two stories both successfully used irony to point out the how the upper class can be envied by all but still be insecure. They both exhibited main characters who are wealthy and seem to have it all but can still behave selfishly and when they do it can backfire with opposite results then they desired. The last realization is that even the highly regarded upper class can behave immorally and manipulate others.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lifestyles of the rich and the poor in American society

Lifestyles of the rich and the poor in American society Free Online Research Papers Three classes have been identified in American society. They are (a) Rich (elite) Class (b) Middle class and (c) Poor. The rich (elite) class comprises that section of American society wherein we may include those who have a high income level. They are rich enough to buy islands, build houses out in the middle of nowhere, or as in the case of Bill Gates, buy an entire neighborhood to secure their privacy. These are the people who have more money than they know what to do with. Sometimes, this wealth may be inherited wealth, in other cases, royalties from artistic works or commercial companies turning in handsome profits. This section of society is classes as the top upper class of American society and has gained that position by virtue of their wealth. Old family wealth and good social connections the families that send their sons and daughters to Ivy League colleges these are the people who do not worry about class distinctions, because they already know that they are superior to everyone else. On the contrary, they enjoy a sense of superiority a self confidence that comes from the enormous wealth and status that they enjoy. This is the class that reinforces that sense of superiority by making donations to charitable causes. Fat, rich corporations make the most of the tax benefits that come to them by donating them to the weaker sections of society. This section of American society is like the icing on the cake. The Middle Class comprises the majority part of America. These are the people who work hard for a living, and make just enough to enjoy a decent standard of life. Among the middle classes, further distinctions may be made into upper middle class and lower middle class. The Upper middle class would qualify as that group who have enough and much more to spare, while the lower middle classes could be categorized as those who have enough and a little more to spare or perhaps just enough. It is in this group that is the most class conscious the group that always wants to â€Å"keep up with the Joneses†. They are always anxious to do things ‘just right’ and may try to ape the lifestyles of the rich and famous. They constantly need reassurance about their status and possessions. Although two families may be at the same class level in terms of the money the family makes, yet they may feel superior or inferior depending upon their positions and possessions. There is a constant struggle to rise within this class structure. Similarly, this class may also include a rich person who has now fallen on hard times. Such a person may continue to remain a snob and perceive him or herself as being superior to the others in that class, in spite of being economically on par with them. The poor classes are the dregs of society. Relegated into this class by virtue of their economic condition, they are miserable and struggling to make a living. They are the class that is the least class conscious because they already know that they are the poorest class and that they cannot do much to change their lot in life. This is the class where despair and misery may drive many to crime. Outline the history of affirmative action. Explain how this principle is under severe attack in many parts of the United States today and why. On March 6, 1961 President John F. Kennedy started Affirmative Action by an order of anti-discrimination. This was created to ensure that employees were treated the same regardless of their race, creed, color or national origin during their employment. Later on, in the 1970s the order was revised to include discrimination because of gender or sexual orientation. Today, Affirmative Action is a topic of debate in our society. It was created for us to have a society and a future free of discrimination. However, it hasnt reached its purpose yet. Affirmative Action was originally designed by the president John F. Kennedy with the intended purpose to help people who were once discriminated against in school and in the work place, so that they get the fair treatment that they deserved. On the other hand, some people have other definitions that they have given to the Affirmative Action law. For example, affirmative action is a program that helps to prevent discrimination in the future or it helps to promote diversity. He also compares the rights with the Affirmative Action. He recognized that it is a right of every American not to be discriminated, so while nondiscrimination is a right, Affirmative Action is a policy to go along with that right but in itself does not necessarily do that. Affirmative action is a plan designed to end discrimination by guaranteeing minorities will be hired, regardless of race or gender. While our country hires such groups based upon these guarantees, the qualifications of such people are occasional ly overlooked. Many believe that affirmative action is a very effective plan; however, the population which opposes such action frequently includes people of various minorities, as well as many others who have been wronged by this plan In several cases, this plan causes minorities to be perceived as being under-qualified when hired; in addition, it also causes a new minority, the white male. Our government must acknowledge the fact that affirmative action is not putting an end to discrimination; in all actuality, this plan has succeeded in creating new minorities, and more reasons for discrimination. Affirmative action frequently causes qualified employees to be looked down upon because some believe them to be affirmative action hires. Two of my female relatives are currently on the police force; as a result, have encountered many discriminatory comments pertaining to their positions. The first remark received suggests that they were hired for their position solely based on gender. Another comment is, Well, being a woman probably didnt hurt their resume. Both of my relatives are very good at their jobs; one was even on the popular television show, Cops. Nei ther of them are wimps, yet most males look down upon them as being hired because of affirmative action. This type of criticism is received by many minorities holding good jobs, whether they are qualified or not. In many cases, affirmative action takes away from legitimate minority success. People look at the black banker downtown whom has made it on his own and say, He got his job because of affirmative action. Or, an employer hires a few talented minority people who would have succeeded anyway and says, Those are my affirmative-action hires. In this particular case, affirmative action may, or may not, have been the reason for hiring, yet that is what most perceive. People of any race or gender should be able to hold a job where their colleagues respect them as equals, not as affirmative-action hires. My cousin, Christine, has also added to my knowledge on how well affirmative action works at the hospital where she works. One of the administrators happened to be a black male who wa s very qualified for his position. Yet most of the staff accused him of being promoted because of his race. This affected his morality to such an extent that he resigned shortly after his promotion. Another black female who was hired because of her race and gender is not qualified for her position, yet is esteemed by her colleagues for her accomplishments. It seems that minorities are accepted to a certain extent, until they become someones boss. It is also a scary situation when a person has an under-qualified surgeon performing surgery on them because of affirmative action. Affirmative action insists that the employer must [a]void the kind of unnecessary escalation of criteria for selection and promotion which has sometimes been used to keep certain classes of people from entering the mainstream of our economic life. This aspect of the plan creates more openings for minorities; however, it also suggests that the standards should be maintained at a low to guarantee these openings. In my opinion, if the standards for any position are raised, the productivity and accuracy of the country will rise accordingly. When the policy of affirmative action is to almost lower the standards of our society, this sacrifices quality for the sake of equality. Research Papers on Lifestyles of the rich and the poor in American society19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraStandardized TestingPETSTEL analysis of IndiaHip-Hop is ArtMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductWhere Wild and West MeetInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationCapital Punishment

Monday, October 21, 2019

Pre Civil War DBQ essays

Pre Civil War DBQ essays From 1861 to 1865 our nation faced a national crisis. The American Civil War devastated the nation, and tried to put an end to the many disputes that trouble the United States of America. The Civil War had many different causes, but three of those stand out above the rest. The three reasons that were important to laying the groundwork for the Civil War were abolitionism, The Dred Scott Decision, and The Kansas-Nebraska Act. One of the major causes of the Civil War was abolitionism. The rise of slavery in the early 1800s caused increased tension among the southern slave owners and the northern elite. The Southerners believed that the slaves they owned were better off than the northern wage slaves and that the southern society was superior. The slave owners also believed that the slaves were like children that needed to be taken care of until their death. Obviously, the northern elitists disagreed with the southerners arguments and began the abolitionist movement. The abolitionists used the horrible stories of the lives of slaves to sway the people to the ideals of anti-slavery. Abolitionists called the slave owners sinners and claimed that they were immoral humans. The slave owners stated that they were just using slaves industriously, because the nation depended on cotton. This was true, because the northerners did depend on the southern cotton. The southerners were also very upset at the accu sations of their immorality, because they believed that the slaves made their society superior and stable. William Lloyd Garrison founded the New England Anti-Slavery Society and published a newspaper called the Liberator, which bashed southern ideals and talked of anti-slavery. Frederick Douglas was another widely known abolitionist. Douglas gave speeches around the country about what it was like being a slave. These personal accounts converted many to the abolitionist move ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Green Technology Definition and Examples

Green Technology Definition and Examples Green technology, also known as sustainable technology, takes into account the long- and short-term impact something has on the environment. Green products are by definition, environmentally friendly. Energy efficiency, recycling, health and safety concerns, renewable resources, and more all go into the making of a green product or technology. Go Green or Face Extinction? Since the invention of the steam engine kicked off the Industrial Revolution, our planet has suffered rapid changes in climate that include increasingly severe droughts, increased depletion of groundwater reserves, seawater acidification, rising seawater levels, the rapid spread of diseases and macroparasites, and the extinction of species.  Unless we intervene, these changes may prove irreversible. Green technology offers us the best hope to counteract the effects of climate change and pollution. Why? The world has a fixed amount of natural resources, some of which have already been depleted or ruined. For example, household batteries and electronics often contain dangerous chemicals that pollute soil and groundwater with chemicals that cannot be removed from our drinking water supply and wind up in food crops and livestock grown on contaminated soil. The health risks alone are staggering. Plastic pollutants are another nonsustainable resource thats destroying the ocean habitats of sea creatures around the world- killing off fish, birds, and countless other species. Larger pieces pose choking and strangulation hazards, while the tiny particles of disintegrating plastic are making their way into the bottom of the food chain. As larger fish feed on contaminated krill, they too become contaminated and if those fish are subsequently harvested for human consumption, the contaminants are going to wind up on your plate and in your stomach. Not so appetizing, right? Fast Facts: Principles of Sustainability There are three principles which define sustainability in any type of material, as described by the American ecologist and economist Herman Daly:  Nonrenewable resources should not be depleted at rates higher than the development rate of renewable substitutes.Renewable resources should not be exploited at a rate higher than their regeneration levels.The absorption and regeneration capacity of the natural environment should not be exceeded. Renewable Energy vs. Nonrenewable Energy Nonrenewable energy resources include nuclear, hydrogen, coal, natural gas, and oil. All of these currently fail the definition of sustainability in one way or another but most painfully in the ability of the environment to absorb and regenerate the expenses related to their extraction or production.   One of the best-known examples of green technology is the solar cell, which directly converts energy from natural light into electrical energy via the process of photovoltaics. Generating electricity from solar energy equates to less consumption of fossil fuels, as well as the reduction of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. While some detractors argue that solar panels are expensive and unattractive, new inventions may be just around the corner to offset these concerns. Community solar groups, in which renters will share solar panel products, and new spray-on photovoltaic film using perovskites that have the potential to convert regular window glass to solar collectors are just two possibilities on the horizon that show great promise for the future of solar assets.   Other renewable energy sources include hydro, biomass, wind, and geothermal, but unfortunately, these assets are not currently be exploited at adequate levels to replace nonrenewable sources. Some members of the energy industry are dead set against going green, while others see it as both a challenge and an opportunity.  The bottom line is that while non-renewable energy resources currently comprise 80 percent of the worlds energy requirements, over time, thats simply not going to sustainable.  If we hope to maintain life on our planet, emerging green energy technology must be used alongside existing methods to transition from the unsustainable to the sustainable. The Power of Positive Green Thinking Here a just a few reasons why going green is in everyones best interest: Inventors should know that green inventions and clean technologies are good business. These are fast-growing markets with growing profits.Consumers should know that buying green inventions can reduce energy bills and are often safer and healthier than non-green counterparts.  Even making small changes can have a large-term impact. For instance, consider the waste created by plastic water bottles. Of course, drinking lots of water is a healthy practice but changing out reusable water bottles for disposable ones is health-promoting, eco-friendly, and green. Sources   Cedeà ±o-Laurent, J.G., et al. Building Evidence for Health: Green Buildings, Current Science, and Future Challenges. Annual Review of Public Health 39.1 (2018): 291-308. Print.Hesketh, Robert P. Introduction to Sustainable and Green Engineering: General Principles and Targets. Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies. Ed. Abraham, Martin A. Oxford: Elsevier, 2017. 497-507. Print.Oncel, Suphi S. Green Energy Engineering: Opening a Green Way for the Future. Journal of Cleaner Production 142 (2017): 3095-100. Print.Tonn, B., and P. Carpenter. Technology for Sustainability. Encyclopedia of Ecology. Eds. Jà ¸rgensen, Sven Erik, and Brian D. Fath. Oxford: Academic Press, 2008. 3489-93. Print.Worland, Justin. Inside the New Technology That Could Transform the Solar Power Industry. Time, 2018. Web

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Animal right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Animal right - Essay Example According to his theory, when value is given to all other humans regardless of their mental and rational abilities then the same value should be ascribed to the non-human animals as well. His arguments are based on the views of Immanuel Kant that all animals have moral rights but he criticizes Kant’s belief that only rational beings are subjected to respect. Regan rejects this view and argues that humans gain the value and respect regardless of their rationality as with infants and those who are mentally instable thus non-human animals are also subjected to the same value and respect regardless of their rationality. Since all human and non-human animals are subjects-of-a-life, life is the only attribute which would subject to value. Thus every being that is subject-of-a-life must be treated with respect and must be given moral rights (Regan, 2004). On the other hand, utilitarianism is a theory which proposes that any action will be morally right only when it benefits and provides good to a large number of people. According to this theory, what’s right is determined by the value of pleasure or pain that it causes to other people. If an action causes pleasure to most of the people then it is considered as morally right while if it causes pain and suffering for the people, it will be considered morally wrong. Utilitarianism is often used to justify animal rights as their pain and pleasure is also counted for actions that are morally right or wrong (Brooman, 1997). Utilitarian theorists believe that biologically it is justified that non-human animals are sentient and biologically they are able to feel pain and pleasure. This is justified also practically as many people have experienced such feelings in animals, especially cats and dogs. There is a lot of evidence that non-human animals are sentient and they feel

Friday, October 18, 2019

Single Professional Code in the Construction Industry Essay

Single Professional Code in the Construction Industry - Essay Example Interestingly, there are apparent moves on the part of contractors to promote ethical codes in their own backyard. Considering this innovation, it is being entertained if creating a single professional code under the umbrella of the construction industry is feasible and practical. (Society of Construction Law Hong Kong. Events by Other Organizations. 7th May 2008, [internet]). As a matter of fact, there have been initiatives to the effect of adopting a single ethical code for unorganized groups working within the coverage of construction law. (Franklin, Kim. Ethical gauntlet thrown down in pursuit of construction code. Architects' Journal. EMAP Architecture. 2004. [internet]). On the question of feasibility, it is believed that there are no hindrances or hitches in consolidating the various standards of conduct among the different callings or disciplines with the end in view of covering the professional relationships between all concerned parties in construction projects. This will be a matter of crafting the papers which will address all the ethical concerns of persons or entities in the construction industry and which will guide all those involved in every project. However, in the meantime, the consolidated version does not have to encroach on the ethical code of each individual organization. In short, the new code will be something like an amalgamation of the individual codes which will be applicable in the inter-actions and inter-relations of the covenanting parties in construction undertakings. As to whether the plan for a single ethical code is practical or not, it is opined that it will be so, the reason being that any party who needs clarification or is in doubt may readily refer to only one set of deliberated and agreed standards, that is, the new single code of ethics. Whatever it will be, the more important consideration is that the so-called seven principles of public office may be covered in the new single convention as the main guiding icons for construction professionals, practitioners and other participants, thus: honesty, fairness, integrity, objectivity, reliability, accountability and leadership. (Seven principles of public office. Standards - Related Information. [internet]). Putting all these virtues together in one array of dictums in the building industry for the players to observe, follow and obey under pain of reasonable sanctions will greatly instil good behaviour and wholesome attitude. In the process, performance will be enhanced a nd the positive results will naturally redound to the benefit of the stakeholders. Honesty has very significant repercussions in construction projects. One example is in the case of bribery, a form of dishonesty. If a contractor makes illegal special deals with environment regulators, he puts at stake the welfare of the people. This becomes relevantly true today owing to the current global sentiments over climate phenomena. Other classes of dishonesty in the construction industry are fraudulent claims, kickbacks or illegal and immoral commissions, and forgery of pertinent documents, among others. The exercise of fairness among the players in the construction industry necessarily boosts morale among its key players who will thereby work harder and more effectively. On the other hand, if a contractor, for instance, is biased in favour of a sub-contractor, the

The Mona Lisa Biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Mona Lisa Biography - Essay Example Leonardo da Vinci started working on the on the portrait in 1503 through1506 but kept the portrait until he passed away in 1519. Since then, the portrait has gone round so many people, and presently resides in the Louvre Museum in Paris (Henry and Dana, 49). Da Vinci, an Italian, was an artist who lived during the renaissance period, and was also involved in mathematics, engineering and music among other disciplines. He painted various other pictures apart from the Mona Lisa. It is alleged that he worked on this painting until the time of his death in 1519. The painting was not acclaimed as a masterpiece immediately; it took about 300 years to be recognized outside Italy, the country of origin. In the painting, da Vinci has applied new and innovative techniques at the same time; among the techniques was sfumato and chiaroscuro. Using these techniques, Mona Lisa’s skin appears as if glowing from the oil layers. The anonymity in the portrait lies in the figure behind it, the background and the smile, that many state as iconic. The portrait was transferred to King Francois I after the death of Leonardo da Vinci. The King was an art lover who had collections in his room in the Palace of Fontainebleau. The room was eventually converted into a gallery. Afterwards the portrait was taken to Palace of Versailles, and later taken by King Napoleon for hanging in his bedroom in the Tuileries Palace. The Kings of France considered the Mona Lisa as a prized possession and the portrait was moved through various royal residences over time. In 1793, the Mona Lisa was taken to the Louvre in Paris, as part of the royal art collection. The painting has since had a lot of interesting escapades that have left me fascinated. In 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen by three men, Vincenzo Perugia and two others. The men gracefully removed the glass casing that was protecting the painting and tucked the painting in a blanket before leaving the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Posners Terms Analyzing the Curriculum Assignment

Posners Terms Analyzing the Curriculum - Assignment Example For example, teachers can conduct research, introduce their research in the classrooms, share it with other teachers and after seeing the effectiveness of the research, can be supportive in making it a part of the curriculum. 2. Robert Glaser/Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI) Robert Glaser made a curriculum by making use of the standards of RD&D model for curriculum change, which he named as Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI). IPI can be defined as a systematic approach to learning (Posner, 1995). Glaser intended to implement the standards of the RD&D model to the whole curriculum employed by primary and secondary classes through IPI. This approach individualizes the children as the students are allowed to learn with the support of technology. Teachers and students both can assess the behavior of the student in learning and understand the curriculum. For example, students gain instructions and curriculum details with the support of computerized technology. Each of them has his own instruction to follow. 3. Collaborative Approaches as related to Curriculum Change The collaborative approaches as related to curriculum change were created after finding weaknesses in the RD&D model. The approach highlights that better teaching is based on experience and knowledge acquisition of teachers about their profession (Posner, 1995). Teachers are able o learn better by viewing other teachers’ teaching and sharing their notions with one another. Teachers and students should be collaborative in developing curriculums and bringing in a change in the curriculum. An example of collaborative approaches as related to curriculum change is to incorporate new and innovative materials such as computer usage in the curriculum by collecting the viewpoints of teachers and students collaboratively. Chapters 10 and 11 1. Purposes of Evaluation The purposes of evaluation sometimes disagree with one another. The academic institutions generally need evaluation data that t hey can reveal to the stakeholders and financers for showing the efficiency of their system (Posner, 1995). This evaluation data is provided as a source of measurement of the presentation of the academic institution for advertising purposes. In addition, the evaluation is conducted as a certified activity to assess the performance of individual educators in order to scrutinize and make better the learning strategies that they intend to provide. The profiles and yearly results of students given in newspapers and meetings for performance evaluation with the support of evaluation data are examples of purposes of evaluation. 2. Standardized Tests Standardized tests can be defined as a collection of questions with an acknowledged collection of most probably accurate answers (Posner, 1995). The standardized tests are assessments that are supervised and evaluated by following certain standards. Consistency can be found in standardized tests. Every student has to give the answers already as signed as correct answers. For example, a test in which, multiple choices are allowed with each correct answer already known to the checker.     Ã‚  

Arab Open University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arab Open University - Essay Example Institution to spread knowledge and train people beyond borders. This not only shows the quality and standard of education that is being imparted, but also elucidates the uniformity and lack of discrimination in training. Such a regional center of educational excellence was absent previously in the area, and the need of such an open university was gravely felt. This helps make it accessible to all the students under the expanse, and helps educate a wide mass of people. This also allows for the mutual sharing of faculty, and increased platforms for sharing information and prospective research. The University makes use of modern IT resources in order to support the learning process. This is a characteristic feature that makes it different from its adversaries. Being 'open' in mature, its has students of all ages and all walks of life. To add, these people work and live in different areas and continuing education with a profession was not a common concept in the region until the Arab Open University. Now, this institution has enabled people to continue with managing their previous affairs, and yet have the opportunity by mean of technology to study from places of their convenience. This not only enables the people to gain education in a discipline of their choice, but also has made it possible for the large Arabic population to become computer literate. Therefore, the in a practical domain has become a hallmark of the AOU. PERSUASIVE ESSAY WRITING ASSIGNMENT 2: Write a persuasive essay which presents your opinion on whether car seat belts should be required by law. Make sure the thesis statement clearly reflects your opinion on this. Follow the steps of the writing process. PART A. Plan your essay before you...Make sure the thesis statement clearly reflects your opinion on this. Follow the steps of the writing process. Accident simulations by the leading car manufacturers of the world have shown the grave difference between the aftermath of an accident with and without a seatbelt, the latter being much more destructive.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Posners Terms Analyzing the Curriculum Assignment

Posners Terms Analyzing the Curriculum - Assignment Example For example, teachers can conduct research, introduce their research in the classrooms, share it with other teachers and after seeing the effectiveness of the research, can be supportive in making it a part of the curriculum. 2. Robert Glaser/Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI) Robert Glaser made a curriculum by making use of the standards of RD&D model for curriculum change, which he named as Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI). IPI can be defined as a systematic approach to learning (Posner, 1995). Glaser intended to implement the standards of the RD&D model to the whole curriculum employed by primary and secondary classes through IPI. This approach individualizes the children as the students are allowed to learn with the support of technology. Teachers and students both can assess the behavior of the student in learning and understand the curriculum. For example, students gain instructions and curriculum details with the support of computerized technology. Each of them has his own instruction to follow. 3. Collaborative Approaches as related to Curriculum Change The collaborative approaches as related to curriculum change were created after finding weaknesses in the RD&D model. The approach highlights that better teaching is based on experience and knowledge acquisition of teachers about their profession (Posner, 1995). Teachers are able o learn better by viewing other teachers’ teaching and sharing their notions with one another. Teachers and students should be collaborative in developing curriculums and bringing in a change in the curriculum. An example of collaborative approaches as related to curriculum change is to incorporate new and innovative materials such as computer usage in the curriculum by collecting the viewpoints of teachers and students collaboratively. Chapters 10 and 11 1. Purposes of Evaluation The purposes of evaluation sometimes disagree with one another. The academic institutions generally need evaluation data that t hey can reveal to the stakeholders and financers for showing the efficiency of their system (Posner, 1995). This evaluation data is provided as a source of measurement of the presentation of the academic institution for advertising purposes. In addition, the evaluation is conducted as a certified activity to assess the performance of individual educators in order to scrutinize and make better the learning strategies that they intend to provide. The profiles and yearly results of students given in newspapers and meetings for performance evaluation with the support of evaluation data are examples of purposes of evaluation. 2. Standardized Tests Standardized tests can be defined as a collection of questions with an acknowledged collection of most probably accurate answers (Posner, 1995). The standardized tests are assessments that are supervised and evaluated by following certain standards. Consistency can be found in standardized tests. Every student has to give the answers already as signed as correct answers. For example, a test in which, multiple choices are allowed with each correct answer already known to the checker.     Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Law of Equity & Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Law of Equity & Trust - Essay Example The new principles of equity are now in force since previous ones are old dated. The achievement of equity is the birth of Trust1. As far as the application of Trust Law is concerned, it should repose trust and confidence in some other person to manage his or her affairs. The law of equity manages relationships and trust provides modalities to handle a number of situations, family relationships, charities, pension funds etc2. Cardinal Principle According to the law of equity, a trust is legally enforceable by the beneficiaries against the trustees provided it is created with high degree of intention; certainty of subject as well as object (the case of Knight V Knight (1840)3can be referred here. Three elements in a trust are mandatory a) certainty of intention, which ensures that the duty of a trustee or trustees is clearly defined, the way intended by the testator. It differentiates transfer through trust instead of absolute gift. The second mandatory requirement is the certainty of subject matter (refers Palmer v Simmonds (1854)4 and the allowable beneficial interests (refers Boyce v Boyce (1849)5, Re Challoner Club Ltd (1997)6 and Margulies v Margulies (2000)7) are competent of being certain. This ensures precise scope of trustee’s Dr678uties under a trust. ... Street to be held on trust for my children and further that he shall receive a reasonable part of the profit in relation to the redevelopment of Lister Heights. The disposition in the will of Junaid is clear in terms of intended trust. It is true that the word ‘trust’ does not mean an imposition of trust in law (Tito v Waddell (No 2) (1977)9 may please be referred); there is secondary option in this respect. The subject matter is certain, assuming that Junaid likewise, the subject matter of the trust is certain, always assuming that the assets are in existence. Hence, there is no difficulty to confer interest given to the indentified persons in the will accordingly. The disposition will be operational under the Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 199610. Here in this case, Philip is the best friend of testator, whom Junaid had given the rights to possess the commercial property at 22 and 24 at Shipley Street to take care of the interest of his children. First, it is necessary to determine the nature of the trust affecting the two houses as this will help determine whether there is certainty of objects of the reversionary class. Please keep this in mind that the trustees have no authority to apportion the property held in trust amongst the children. However, it may divide it equally amongst the children in accordance with the disposition of will. Take the example of IRC v Broadway Cottages Trust (1955)11. The court of law focuses on the validity or invalidity of the duties as enumerated in the trust. The religion of a person does not matter in deciding the issue whether he or she be a sectarian in terms of catholic or protestant religion in his or her beliefs. The court while deciding the cases of trust will have to abide by the laws and the condition

Three Cultural Regions of America Before Colonization Essay Example for Free

Three Cultural Regions of America Before Colonization Essay The three cultural regions of North America preceding colonization were the southwest, south, and Northeast. In these three cultural regions, there were several different groups of people that occupy the land. The Southwest region has the Pueblo Peoples or Pueblos. The south region has the Cherokee. The northeast has the Algonquians. The Pueblo peoples or the Pueblos settled mainly on the east of the Grand Canyon. The Pueblos traditional homes were made from the sandstone, which was held in place with mud. The houses were stocked up together as defense in mind. There were several groups that made up the pueblo peoples. The Pueblos spoke several dialects but one thing they all had in common was their affection and commitment to their land and their villages. Each Pueblo peoples clan and secret religious societies have their own political independence but still followed the same communal pattern. Various leaders from the clans and the religious societies formed the governing systems of the Pueblo villages. The Pueblos relied on farming. They grew corn, squash, beans and pumpkins. The Southwest region was extremely dry but they were still able to get irrigation sources from the several rivers that flowed out from the mountains. The Pueblos have several ceremonies and rituals which involves dancing, singing, chanting, and impersonations. The rituals and ceremonies were performed for marking important events, celebrating planting and harvesting, and to pray for rain. The Cherokees settled mainly on the high mountains. The Cherokees traditional homes typically have two separate houses that were designed to fit the changing climate. The Cherokees were one of the largest groups in the south region. The women often played a great role on the group. They were responsible for the household and clan was passed on through mothers, also known as the matrilineal kinship system. The group was not ruled by class or kings. Elderly men governed the tribe but the women were as powerful and influential leaders of the community. Although the south enjoys the climate suitable for farming, it was not as important as hunting. As the women tended crops in the fields, the men provided for the family by hunting and fishing. As the men hunt, the female farmed. The main concerns for the Cherokees were sustaining harmony. The Cherokees have rituals and ceremonies that balance in the world and help maintained harmony. When a hunter killed a deer, he performs a ritual as a sign of apology. They perform a ceremony called the Green Corn Ceremony, which symbolizes as a thanksgiving celebration for the harvest and a sign of new beginnings. The Algonquians settled mainly in the woodland sections of Atlantic and around the Great Lakes. The Algonquians built their villages near rivers and lakes and were usually very small. Traditional homes were built dome-shaped. Young Trees, or saplings, were used to build frames. Most of the communities were independent. There were approximately over fifty Algonquians tribes, which were separated into smaller groups called the bands. The bands were consisted of several extended families who belongs to same villages and each had a chief. The Algonquians hunted, fished and farmed. The Algonquians were experts on farming. They planted beans, corns, squash, pumpkins, sunflowers, and tobaccos. The Algonquians believed in supreme spirit. The Spirit was believed to have helped them grow crops and hunt for food. They had ceremonies held at different times such as planting season, harvest time, and hunting season. They danced, sing, and played instruments. Tobacco was used at these ceremonies because the Algonquians believed that the smoke had the ability to take their messages to the supreme spirits. Faragher, John M. Buhle, Mari Jo, Czitrom, Daniel, Armitage, Susan Out of Many Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, c2009 Perdue, Theda Indians of North America: The Cherokee United States of America: Chelsea House Publishers, c1989 Santella, Andrew First NAtions of North America: Southeast Indians Chicago, IL: Heinenabb Library an imprint of Capstone Global Library, LLC, c2012 Broida, Marian First Americans: The Pueblo Tarrytown, New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, c2006 Kellogg, William O. American History: The Easy Way United States of America: Barrons Educational Series, Inc, c2003 Quiri, Patricia R. The Algonquian United States of America: Franklin Watts, c1992

Monday, October 14, 2019

Evaluate And Analyse The Strategic Perspective Of Tesco Marketing Essay

Evaluate And Analyse The Strategic Perspective Of Tesco Marketing Essay The aim of this write up is to evaluate and analyse the strategic perspective of Tesco. This will include checking through all the activities of Tesco both in the U.K and globally. OBJECTIVES: The aim and objective of this write up is to examine the general operating strategies of Tesco, the challenges they are facing, what motivates them, their strategic directions, what strategy they are pursing presently. Also, what challenges lies ahead of Tesco and also to know where they will be maybe in the next five years. METHODOLOGY: Materials were consulted and sorted for in order to get fundamental information about Tesco and its operations. These materials will link from books, journal and online sources. ACHIEVEMENTS: During the course of this research, we have been able to analyse Tesco strategic options, directions, aspirations and operations. The position Tesco is at the moment has been established and their future directions. However, the present achievement and success of Tesco cannot be over emphasised in recent times. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This research is basically to explore the strategies Tesco Plc is pursuing, their core competencies and their challenges. It is also to evaluate those competencies to know if they are sustainable and also if they provide customer value. Further research will be done as the research progresses. BRIEF HISTORY OF TESCO Tesco is a British international grocery and general merchandising retail chain. It is the largest British retailer by both global sales and domestic market share, with profits exceeding E3 billion and the third largest global retailer based on revenue behind WAL-MART of U.S,A and CARREFOUR of France. ( Further online source stated that the company started as a one man business in London East and was funded by JACK COHEN son of a polish Jewish tailor. He sold groceries in the markets of East end in 1919 but the brand first appeared in 1924. The name derived after Jack Cohen bought a large shipment of tea from T. E stock well( Formally messrs Torring and stock well of Mincing Lane ), he made new labels by using the first three letters of the suppliers name and the first two letters of his surname to form the word TESCO. The first store was opened in 1929 in Burnt Oak, EDGWARD- LONDON. On the part of food retailing, Tesco is one of the largest food retailers in the World, operating around 2,318 stores and employing over 326,000 people. It provides online services through its subsidiaries. The UK is the companys largest market where it operates in the following areas Extra, Superstores, Metro and Express. The company sells almost 40,000 food items, including clothing and other non-food items. The companys own-label products (50% of sales) are at three levels, value, normal and finest as well as convenience produce. Many stores have gas stations becoming one of British largest independent petrol retailers in 1991. Other retailing services offered by Tesco include Tesco personal Finance, and Tesco Direct launched in 2006. Tesco is a supermarket giant. Research and retail analyst have identified some reason like : Tescos are everywhere Tescos sell to everyone Tesco sells everything Tesco has branded itself in such a way that its success is inevitable. They always take into account various implications for customers, their employees, shareholders and other concerned bodies. Tesco places importance on its mission statement. Tesco have developed various international marketing strategies in various countries like China, Sweden, Malaysia, Poland, e.t.c TESCO COMPANY PROFILE According to information cited from on an online source,, Tesco runs more than 2,300 supermarket, hypermarkets and convenience stores in the United Kingdom, Ireland, central Europe and Asia. Tesco is the market leader in food retail in the United Kingdom where it has its highest market share existence compared to other countries where they operate. Tesco operates in various categories of shop sizes, from hypermarkets (Tesco extra) to small urban stores (Tesco metro) and convenience and gasoline retailing (Tesco express) including Tesco financial services. Also according to this same source, Tesco is a global leader in online grocery sales as it owns about 35 % stake in United States grocery chain called Safeways Grocery works. Tesco is a leading online grocery store at the moment; they are now evening moving into expanding their business by diversifying into other areas. TESCO SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Tesco has diverse ranges of products They have a strong cash flow position They increase sale and trade profits They have a Strong balance sheet They focus on brand awareness They have human resources Strong Online shopping facility Tesco open 24 hours a day They have a leading supermarket chain They have capabilities of converting resources into finished goods. WEAKNESSESS Perception of low quality (Tesco value brands) Lack of local knowledge of customers (international markets) Lack of foreign culture knowledge (International markets) OPPORTUNITIES Tesco develop brand awareness globally Constant New Market opportunity Market shift to globalisation Innovation and Alliances Low cost brand growth Diversification Non-Food offers Tesco untapped new markets with higher margins. THREATS New and existing competition Increase in the price of raw materials Economic recession Far-east low cost brands High competition for customers and resources CHAPTER TWO ELICITING AND EVALUATING STRATEGY Tesco is pursuing hybrid strategy in all their markets. Tesco strategies can therefore be analysed with the Bowmans strategy clock below. ssssss Tesco Position on clock C:Userspc userPicturesbowmans_lesson.gifT According to online resource, a hybrid strategy seeks simultaneously to achieve differentiation and low price relative to competitors. Tescos Hybrid Strategy is pre-dominant in the UK market. Rival organisation like Asda seek to pursue low cost strategy and another rival, Sainsburys tend to pursue differentiation (broad) Strategy. Hybrid strategy can give an organisation advantage especially when larger volumes of sales can be achieved. This is a plus to Tesco competitive advantage considering their market share in the U.K market. Tescos aspirations in the near future are to pursue full differentiation strategy which they may want to achieve in phases. In additional to this Strategy, Tesco also utilises Market development strategy which has increased their balance sheet strength and global presence. According to online information from, Tesco Diversifying into areas like Non-food, Financial services and Telecoms and also new markets abroad in Asia, Central Europe and recently into the United Tescos strategy towards market Development has broadened their scope of business over the years into new markets outside the U.K. Tesco has an established and sustainable. Their Strategic decision to diversify in 1997 has contributed to their success in recent years. ( TESCO STRATEGY OBJECTIVES: According to Tesco online source, the objectives of their strategy are: To be a successful international retailer To grow the core UK business To be as strong in non-food as in food. To develop retailing services such as Tesco Personal Finance, Telecoms and To put community at the heart of what they do. TESCO TWO AREAS OF CORE COMPETENCIES Core and distinctive competencies are very important to any organisation who wants to lead in its industry and also provide customer value. According to Hunger J.D and Wheelan, T.L (2001) P.56, Resources are the organisations assets. Core competence capabilities, in this context mean the ability of such organisation to exploit and use these resources. These resources can be analysed by Barneys VRIO framework below. TESCO VRIO FRAMEWORK RESOURCES V R I O H.R Yes Yes Yes Yes Online shopping Yes Yes Yes Yes 24hr stores Yes Yes Yes Yes Cash Flow position Strong Yes Yes Yes Yes Balance sheet Yes Yes Yes Yes Tesco is very strong considering the resources they have at their disposal. They also utilise all these resources to the fullest. They are in a very strong position both in the U.K and around the globe where they are operating. According to (online) (n.d), core competencies are those capabilities that are critical to an organisation achieving a competitive advantage. Two areas of Tesco core competencies are: The experience Non-food strategy strength The will; Effectively supply good customer interface that personalises online shopping which make it more efficient thereby giving customers value. The non-food strategy is one of the strongest tools Tesco has at the moment. It is giving them advantage to tap into new markets with very high margins. CHAPTER THREE IS TESCO CORE COMPETENCES AND STRATEGY SUSTAINABLE? If we want to analyse whether these resources and competencies are sustainable, I would say yes. I arrived at this conclusion because looking at the strategy they are pursuing and their core competencies couple with their market penetration and development around the globe, they should be able to sustain these core competencies and strategy. It can also be noted according to the speech of Tesco director that they are market leaders in most of their international markets. TESCOS PESTEL ANALYSIS POLITICAL FACTORS Tesco is a globalised company as they operate in many countries. Political conditions and legislations in these countries have highly influenced Tescos success. ECONOMIC FACTORS Tesco does not have any power over economic factors. Economic factors can affect cost, prices, demand and profits. SOCIOLOGICAL FACTORS According to Ivory research (Online) (2010), current trends have indicated that British customers have moved towards one stop and bulk shopping, which is due to various sociological changes. Aging population now eat ready meals which reduces cooking at home. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Ivory research (online 2010), stated that new technologies benefit both customers and Tesco. Food chains have been more accurate and equipments like self checkout, electronic fund transfer facilities have really increased the success of Tesco globally. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS There have been increased demands from organisations for responsibility of the environment. Tesco has commitment on corporate responsibility to the environment they operate in. LEGAL FACTORS Various legislations from different government have influence on Tesco, For example, legislations about suppliers and so on. STRATEGIC COMMENTARY Tescos core competencies can really help them to achieve an increased competitive advantage. This is obvious because of their focus on new markets outside the U.K. Tesco needs to focus on their key strategies like the Non-food and the Tescos customer loyalty can be sustained by continuous customer value provision. Tapping into new international market is a good turn for Tesco has this will increase their global market share and turnover. Tescos fresh and easy brand in the United States would develop and increase their global profit turnover if they focus on that market. CONCLUSION Tescos strategic direction for the future is very important and crucial to their global strength. I can see Tesco competing closely with Grocery giant, Wal-Mart in the nearest future. Their success in the last 12 years has proved that they can really move into the global market and become like coca-cola in the nearest future.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Examples Of Charles Dickens Chthonic Journeys :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Question- In Charles Dickens autobiographical memoir Fragments of an Autobiography what are three chthonic journeys that he faces?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Charles Dickens autobiographical memoir Fragments of an Autobiography he has many chthonic journeys that he never fully recovered from. The essay starts off with Charles Dickens having to work at a blacking warehouse with a pay of six pints at the age of ten or twelve, even though he wants to go to school. His father is in jail due to money problems, which leaves the family with no money to pay their rent. As a result Charles goes to live with a friend and the rest of his family goes to live with the father in jail because they have no other place to go. He faces numerous chthonic journeys, or journeys to the underworld, including his terrible family life, his poor work conditions and low pay, which leads to money problems and his having to work even though he wants to go to school and get an education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the essay there are countless examples as to how Dickens experienced chthonic journeys. One is that his family is in terrible condition. His father is in jail due to money problems, which then left the family with no money to pay their rent. Their father/husband borrowed money from people and never repaid them. Back in the Stinson-2 1800’s if you owed people money and couldn’t pay them back you would go to jail. With no house to live in everybody but Charles Dickens goes to live in jail with their father because they have no place to live. On the other hand Charles Dickens goes to live with friend. With all of this happening, including his family living in jail and his living away from them with a friend just crushed Dickens hopes and feelings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another chthonic journey that Charles Dickens faced was his working condition and his pay. Dickens worked at a blacking warehouse. The blacking warehouse was in terrible condition. There were rats everywhere, decaying floors and extremely small rooms. From this job he only earned six pints a week, which is very little to live on. With getting so little money he could barely buy the things that were necessary to live on. Once he bought things that he needed he had little to no extra money. He couldn’t buy any fun things to play with or extra food for a bedtime snack, which meant that at times he had have to go without food or other necessary items.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Spellbound By Alfred Hitchcock :: essays research papers

Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck star in this mystery/thriller that dabbles in psycho-analysis and the troubles of the mind. Constance Peterson is a renowned psycho-analyst, whose ability to analyze data is unquestionable, but who has no life outside of her work. This all changes the day the new Chief of Staff, Dr. Edwardes (Peck) arrives. It is love at first site, and Constance’s barriers break down in a flash. Critics have noted that Alfred Hitchcock always had trouble with women. His films are known for having blond women portraying troubled, morally challenged women. This holds true in Spellbound, with Constance’s initial emotional frigidity, which later gives way to intellectual stupidity. In Spellbound, Hitchcock’s treatment of women is at an all time low. Constance is dismissed repeatedly throughout the film, as not being capable of clear, intellectual thought because she is in love. Before she falls in love, she is dismissed as a cold fish, incapable of feeling, and her femininity is challenged. There is therefore no middle ground left. Despite the inherent sexism of the film, the story is captivating. We soon find out that Edwardes is not who he claims to be. He is in fact an imposter, who has no idea who he really is. Suffering from amnesia, he is impersonating the real Edwardes, who is assumed to be dead. The intrigue is kept high, and we are never certain whether the man, called J.B. after initials found on a cigarette case he found on himself, is a killer or not. Constance, going against reason, decides to help him. Despite evidence to the contrary she will not believe that a man she loves is capable of murder. Spellbound is a good mystery, with entertaining characters, which keeps you guessing until the end. What I found surprising in this film is that everyone in it is so refreshingly smart.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Privacy and Security Breaces at Acxiom

Privacy and Security Breaches at Acxiom: Case Study Chapter 4 Privacy and Security Breaches at Acxiom: Case Study Chapter 4 Acxiom might be the most important organization that most of us have never heard of. They are the â€Å"world’s largest processor of consumer data, collecting and analyzing more than a billion records a day† (Bigdoli, 2012). Acxiom was founded in 1969, and its’ headquarters is located in Little Rock, Arkansas (About Acxiom, 2013). â€Å"Its customers include nine of the country's top ten credit-card issuers, as well as nearly all the major retail banks, insurers, and automakers† (Behar, 2012).Unfortunately, Acxiom has been faced with some breaches of security that have led the company make some important security changes/upgrades. In 2003, Daniel Bass, a 24 year old computer-systems administrator was found to have stolen the data of millions of individuals from Acxiom’s databases. He spent two years collecting this information and stored it on compact discs (Behar, 2004). He broke into their system by simply cracking passwords (Behar, 2004). Bass was not the only hacker to crack Acxiom however.While authorities were investigating Bass, they ultimately discovered an additional hacker group from Boca Raton, Florida, who had cracked the passwords for the same server that Bass had gotten into as well. While they accessed information for millions of people; it did not appear that either hacking incident resulted in the defrauding of any of the individuals whose data was stolen (Behar, 2012). Acxiom definitely needed to do something to beef up their security measures and protect their customers’ data.They first hired a chief security officer, which had not been a position until these incidents. The chief security officer instituted mandatory encryptions, as well as working to prevent cybercrimes. Acxiom additionally began to conduct security audits (both conducted from inside and outside firms) to test f or weaknesses in security. As far as privacy is concerned, Acxiom is considered to have one of the most stringent privacy policies there are. You can read it here: http://www. acxiom. com/about-acxiom/privacy/.They had a privacy officer long before they had a security officer. In terms of privacy, we are left questioning whether the government should have access to the information that is collected. I believe that the government should have only limited access. Acxiom was able to help the government with the investigation of the terrorist 9/11 attacks (Behar, 2004). The government should only be granted access to information relevant to important cases, not just have free reign to interpret all of the data any way they see fit.Other organizations might also feel they need access to this private data for security reasons. While I do not see how this could ever happen, the possible organizations that might feel they need access to such information might be school districts, private se curity firms, real estate professionals (especially high end), colleges and universities. While safety is an important issue at all of these places (and most others), having access to this sort of information does not guarantee safety, but in fact places unfair targets on many harmless individuals.References About Acxiom. (2013). Retrieved from Acxiom: http://www. acxiom. com/overview/ Behar, R. (2004, February 23). Never Heard Of Acxiom? Chances Are It's Heard Of You. How a little-known Little Rock company–the world's largest processor of consumer data–found itself at the center of a very big national security debate. Retrieved from CNN Money: http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2004/02/23/362182/index. htm Bidgoli, H. (2012). MIS2. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Private Educational Sector Performance Appraisals In Mauritius Business Essay

Mauritius, soon a rapid development and diversified income state in this communicating and technological universe where the authorities is consolidating the changeless support of people through the release and variegation of the economic system even though late hit by the consequence and impact of the brewing planetary fiscal crisis. The authorities is playing its full function to foreground the importance of transparence in all administrations together with greater attending on client support for edifice and guaranting better services. Concurrently, the authorities is carry throughing its duties with new tendencies and new development in the programme of instruction at all degrees with particular consideration in the secondary schools through the dependant and ministry directing organic structure of the Private Secondary Schools Association ( PSSA ) . The Mauritanian authorities introduced Performance Management System ( PMS ) on a pilot footing in its 3 different administrative sections in the twelvemonth ( 2006 ) after several old ages of formulated planning and scheme as devised in the beginning of ( 2001 ) after holding been followed by an discerning debut in the mid-1990s.At nowadays, PMS has been launched in all 25 ministries as of 23 June ( 2010 ) and all near concerned constitution as agencies indicated by positive feedbacks obtained from the pilot undertakings that was extended to other sections in January ( 2007 ) .The thought buttocks was to better the populace sector in Mauritius for better economic system and for responsively moving as an built-in portion in the fast-moving and modernised planetary direction. In the twelvemonth ( 1987 ) , the wage Research Bureau ( PRB ) which governs the general wage reappraisal of public sector in Mauritius with mention to private educational schools came with the tendency for alliance of conditions of service, wages, makings and competences of both private secondary schools with province schools. The chief purpose for this homogeneous attack was that instruction to be dispensed in a unvarying mode for the benefits of criterions and the society at big The subsequent study of the Bureau in ( 2003 ) came in the way of reforms with specific conditions of service for nucleus intent to better and achieve aims in the educational sector. From recommendations in the PRB study ( 2008 ) , schemes of public presentation assessment and public presentation related wage wages would take into consequence as from 1 August ( 2008 ) to accomplish optimization of resources. This research paper attempts to look into into the demands, effects/impacts and the results of the proviso of the two new issues in geting at the wage bundle in relationship with PA and public presentation related wages systems in the private secondary schools as recommended by the PRB ( 2008 ) . The survey should therefore take to reply the undermentioned inquiries: How is public presentation assessment perceived among offices and the conducive factors in the incremental system in schools? Is it genuinely applicable? Give us your sentiment about the evaluation of PA methods with the type of PMS being introduced. Make you happen the specified conditions used for ciphering the learning responsibilities allow? Are the present officeholders of pedagogues justified? What do you believe on the appraisal of the strengths and the failings of the existent PA system on the work environment and measure your overall satisfaction ; what is your purpose about the system? Research OBJECTIVES The aims of the research are to: 1. Find out whether private secondary pedagogues in Mauritanian schools understand the importance of PA in analysing what these indexs are. 2. Sketch the usage of assessment and public presentation wage mechanisms to actuate the private secondary educational sectors and raise the private direction. 3. Research the possible benefits and defects associated with public presentation measuring the private sector and discourse ways to right the permeant failings of the wage construction. 4. Measure the current operation of public presentation assessment and stairss in the planing systems and to guarantee consistence and transparence when measuring public presentation of staffs. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS Some illustrations of the hypothesis formulated for the intent of this HR research are H0: An overall cognition and apprehension of P.A systems/will non assist private secondary offices in run intoing the aims of the modernized direction. H1: An overall cognition and apprehension of P.A criterions will assist Private Secondary Military officers in run intoing the aims of the modernized direction. H0: An designation of the specific intents and utilizations will non assist private secondary schools satisfy the possible impact of P.A as perceived by administrative members. Hello: An designation of the specific intents and utilizations will assist private secondary schools satisfy the possible impact of P.A as perceived by administrative members. LITERATURE REVIEW PSSA, besides known as Private Secondary Schools Association was set up in ( 1976 ) after the coming of free instruction both at primary and secondary degrees, granted by the so Labour authorities and started its activities on 20th September of the same twelvemonth. The caput office although ab initio stationed at Royal Road, Rose Hill, subsequently moved to Beau Bassin and still operates from the premises once occupied by the Teachers ‘ Training College. Although at the get downing the PSSA was meant chiefly to be merely a & lt ; paying agent & gt ; it shortly blossomed into a fully fledged administration and put up its frogmans sectors viz- Inspectorate, Establishment, Discipline, Finance, all under the duty of a Director who is appointed by the Ministry of Education and Human Resource ( MoE ) so that the Authority can ever be under the supervising of the Government of Mauritius through the Ministry of Education. The work and behavior of each and every employee both instruction and non-teaching is monitored closely and recorded in his personal file which is stored at the caput office. Generally, all policy determinations are taken by the Government in close coaction of Ministry and the PSSA operating in analogue with the Ministry of Education has the duty of implementing same. In other words, its cardinal purpose is to supply instruction conductive to acquisition and where every pupil would stand out in order to be perceived as a visible radiation of the existence in order to run into the challenges and criterions of life. The responsibilities of being dedicated to the cause of instruction are assigned to pedagogues once instructors and later Education officers severally. Their instruction and non instruction staffs are recruited by the directors of the several schools. At present, the establishment size of working forces with instructors and non learning members bases at around 3923 and 1575 severally. Today there are a sum of 110 registered schools in Mauritius and Rodrigues. Classes up to Cambridge Higher School certification are run in 47 of the to the full grant aided schools while 48 of them provide instruction up to the Cambridge School Certificate. By and large, the cardinal purpose of private sector is profit oriented instead than public assistance or service as for public service but given the figure of protagonism groups strengthened with the turning degree of instruction accompanied by the consequence of globalization which promote a strong demand to win, and to protect Mauritanian citizens from the traditional procedure where public presentation was no longer enhanced. Since the ambitious attack to drive betterment for knowing calling which would emerge in taking to portion capacity, resources and people, it was indispensable for a straightforward model action for public presentation results which reflected none other than PMS. In fact, the PRB study, prepared by a Mauritanian organic structure in charge for finding wage and guiding reforms in the populace sector as far back as in ( 2003 ) , highlighted that the public sector must utilize ‘performance direction ‘ as one of the arrows for assorted degrees of productiveness as practiced abroad, particularly in European states. It is worthwhile observing in this context that Armstrong ( 2000 ) defines public presentation direction as a â€Å" strategic and incorporate procedure that delivers sustained success to organisations by bettering the public presentation of people who work in them and by developing the capablenesss of single subscribers and squads † . It ab initio started through the usage of the confidential study. This was being extremely criticized because it had non shown effectivity in bettering public presentation for in service people. Consequently, the docket changed for PMS where officers were given ample preparation to understand the construct for proper execution.DEFINITIONS of PMS & A ; PAPerformance Management Performance Management is an on-going procedure that involves both the director and the employee in identifying and depicting the occupation responsibilities and maps associating to organisation ‘s mission and strategic ends through appropriate public presentation criterions on the intent of giving and having feedback for development and bettering employee work. Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal is a procedure of measurement, sum uping and development the work public presentation of an employee to measure if he is efficaciously in line with the aims set. Performance Management and Performance Appraisal However, many people get confused with public presentation direction and public presentation Appraisal.It should so be clear that these are two different footings with same functional intent. Performance assessment is besides identified as public presentation reappraisal which is the procedure of basically reexamining the public presentation of employees. Alternatively, public presentation direction has a larger significance and embraces public presentation assessment. Performance direction translates the overall organisational ends into single employees ‘ aims, preceded by a meeting with the employee, to supply chance for common understanding based on the public presentation indexs for the appraisal which provides feedback for steps such as preparation, compensation, publicity, amongst others, to prolong public presentation over the long term. Fig 1 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. Mission Aims& A ;Goals Conformity of public presentation Continuous Performance Management Management Planning Performance related wage: 1 ) Compensation 2 ) Promotion 3 ) Transportation Preparation for reappraisal Performance evaluation Performance Appraisal 0 Development and calling: 1 ) TrainingThe above diagram can be simplified as the followers:Management Planning Management squad design strategy of work and provides planning chances for staffs to take duty for their ain to ease in lending to the professional development of the other staff including the initiation and appraisal of new and provisional members. Mission aims and Goals To be to the full committed to the cause of instruction, to leave quality instruction in an ambiance lending to conducive acquisition where every pupil outshine to be recognized as an enlightened and of all time reflecting lamp and to hike the instruction service that would assist to run into up with the rivals of the approaching clip. Conformity of public presentation In order to continue the values and vision of the establishment, it is imperative to implement the scheme as laid down in the recommendation of PRB study.Besides ; it can besides be achieved through convincing and self-asserting treatment between executives and officers. Continuous Performance Management To work both at quantitative and qualitative abilities that would lend to updated occupation description based on uninterrupted feedback get the better ofing barrier, if any, towards run intoing the aims, irrespective of coaching. Preparation for Review Both director and employee, with much attending in the educational sector where the valuator should chiefly be of two hierarchy classs above the appraise so as to run into together with the cardinal purpose for appraisal based on competences public presentation to look chiefly at behavior and attitude in a occupation like lateness, promptness. Performance Appraisal At the terminal of the pattern or sooner after each assessment conducted individually between regular timeframe, usually twice or at most one time a twelvemonth, based on brooding procedures normally lending towards strengths and failings of the officers. PA is so put to public presentation evaluation and single public presentation that can easy associate to pay. Performance Rating This theoretical account should be based on a evaluation graduated table of 1-5 ; five being the highest and it should include some infinite to compose remarks refering to the evaluations that the valuator gives to his subsidiary. The description should give grounds of the true degree of public presentation and non where unenrgetic people would be stating that he has achieved to acquire information and produced appropriate consequences, accordingly needs to be associated to pay and development. Therefore, a double evaluation system can be more accurately reflecting the existent input of the employee in inquiry being rated. Performance evaluation has two subdivisions that can either be associated with trust and common apprehension ensuing in related wage or secondly as rating for preparation or strictly a countenance. Integrative LITERATURE Performance Appraisal started long back as a simple construct of evaluation employee ‘s work outcomes and has now evolved in a systematic procedure of measuring the work of an employee. It besides looks at a series of causative factors in the vena of how to make togetherness with environmental friendly conditions, participative direction squads and most significantly doing staffs capable of developing greatest accomplishment in capacity edifice for successful calling. Once, in the absence of the P.A ( as structured today ) , the C.R ( Confidential Report ) was the lone arrow towards the grade of efficiency of the employee. Rather than the of import constituents of work consequences and increment facet, it further provides foundations for good work conditions, finding competent direction squads, preparation and development of bing staff successfully whereby actuating and keeping a guaranteed quality of work force by decently honoring the work public presentation of forces which enable to vouch great degree of satisfaction. Carraher et Al. ( 2006 ) province that the most of import factors of work and compensation satisfaction are occupation term of office, construction and disposal of the compensation system. The existent study of P.A consists of two ( 2 ) primary intents viz. ; public presentation related wage and development. The rating of wage intent is carried out to inform staffs of their necessary ability rooted merely on collected public presentation informations which are normally intended to compensate high performing artists and punish low public presentation actors. The developmental purpose is to utilize to categorise officers into different degrees and therefore place uninterested and unsupportive employees who are ever faced with problem at work. However, progressively based on the procedure of ego rating and progressive planning, some employees steadfastly believe that many other factors are more of import than wage. Therefore, modern direction stresses non merely on public presentation but on a set of appraisals and self development based acquisition. On this footing, it is really of import to work significantly for better keeping of competent and difficult working employe es. It would be of much concern if an established usage in all private secondary schools in Mauritius could be applied irrespective of ain and conservative direction manners to warrant significant pay-reward consistent to the productiveness, particularly where instruction staffs are invariably endorsed in magnetic involvement of students which is a challenging and encephalon striking undertaking. In add-on, secondary schools are considered as model organic structures since they promote the general advancement, good being of students and uphold socio economic alteration in the society. Further, they are viewed as beginnings in set uping and run intoing cultural values and promoting preparation, therefore easing socialization. So, good degree of motive is indispensable for staffs to be in line with the inventions in instructions as it is necessary to react to the altering calling and reforming system for implementing expeditiously choice instruction. Since the early 1990s, authorities involvement in public presentation support and budgeting for higher instruction has well increased in OECD states ( Burke & A ; Serban, 1997 ; El-Khawas & A ; Massey, 1996 ; Jongbloed & A ; Koelman, 1996 ; Layzell, 1998 ; Peters, 1992 ; Piper & A ; Issacs, 1992 ) . However, developed states which have late harnessed and witnessed the alterations in the society with the acceptance of latest digital engineering besides being really trendy in periodic manner with instance in point, Mauritius presently immersed in this stage of influence, still tonss of private educational establishments are bonded with antique manner of direction and one manner enforcing executive confined to simply top- bottom direction. The relationship between the alteration in society and the alteration of instruction degree demands to be better understood in order to be more expeditiously managed ( Bjarnason and Brennan, 2003 ) . It is hazardous to presume and much harder to think that either on holding the right equipment or people with equal cognition, necessary accomplishments, abilities and the right sort of organizational model, rapid alterations need to be better understood with something else, say exact attitude and behavior, unless you can read person ‘s head. Subsequently, for the appropriate consequence at a ulterior phase, the employee must be ready and convey enthusiasm to make the work and most significantly he/she should be ever motivated in some manner to set about the undertakings which will lend a great trade. Academic staffs should at all times have the resource ability to be motivated for accomplishing rapid alterations in instruction in order to stand out with the transformational public presentation in demand. Reasonably, conventional direction necessitate much contemplation to understand what makes people do things so that they can carry the employees to exercise towards the aims of the constitution. Management demand to be cognizant that the things that motivate them may non automatically typify the same driving force of the employee ‘s.As such, it is indispensable to set into consequence specific motive strategies with the purpose of carry throughing a common and better public presentation assessment in relation to a just wage system. Performance assessment is one of the most valuable instruments in the director ‘s tool chest, as no other direction procedure has every bit much influence over person ‘s callings and work lives ( Allen, 2003 ) . Performance Appraisal & A ; Pay P.A is an of import procedure of the direction which preponderantly helps to find the wage related facets such as publicity, transportation and equal wages. Based on this facet, competent officers in a contributing clime at work enact a inclination towards the application of freshly acquired accomplishments and circulate cognition to their immediate schoolroom state of affairs since employee wages provides a major chance to better 1s aptitude and therefore be performance-centre oriented. The 2nd activity is for development and preparation intent that is formulated to do out jobs confronting by employees, known from collected public presentation informations or corporate feedback. The primary used appraisal standards are founded on employees ‘ work results, traits and behaviors. Most normally, P.A is designed to supply valid information of staff work consequences to pay merit compensation. Further, it is compulsory to let the steady flow of the processs for utile and self-assert ing parts that hold no other option for the employers to promote and be big plenty to recognize the worth of the least attempt of employees. In order to prolong coveted degree of wage in return of services offered, some organisations started maintaining aloof from fixed fiscal wage, relatively on the application of wage other than rewards and revolutionise towards the execution of flexible systems that finetune the compensation at single degree. In derivation of this guideline, some administrations found it necessary to continuously supervise all procedures geared at both organizational and personal ends to be executed in the best possible ways. For utile and accurate P.A information, the processs must be able to systematically bring forth dependable and valid consequences in determining the civilization of the running disposal. Besides, if we do non allow justified compensation on public presentation, the employees would develop a inclination of incorrect sort of work behaviors that would ensue in frequent waste of their on the job clip instead than bettering on work results. PA has late taken much consideration in European educational establishments where studies and research development say that public establishments have undergone drastic decrease in the figure of pupils. This is because of the fact that private establishments more and more common and competitory in the market are guaranting a better topographic point which is accordant with learnability in all characteristics doing market force per unit areas. As a consequence of this menace, public establishments in United Kingdom ( UK ) started with grassroot alterations in their operation and emphasized on formalistic staff assessment systems in the eightiess with a vision to maintain a sound gait on the inventions to run into the latest demands of educational construction. The alteration was viewed taking topographic point since if could it give staff to acquire involved deeply in ego betterment in the geographic expedition of country involvement, survey and therefore promote possible public prese ntation. This alteration resulted in public presentation related wage in the UK university system as a whole, covering everyone from support staff to senior professors ( Richbell and Wu, 2006 ) . Mauritius, backing significantly the valued stairss of UK private acquisition establishments since seemingly perceived for its quality in instruction, is determined to provide quality demands and services which are considered established by PA processs to analyze the duty and to size up competition. The sole ground for Mauritius behind this pacemaker is that PA is the key to happen out whether staffs public presentation is in line with the aims of the institute. Gone are the yearss when employees particularly instructors merely kept on steping on beaten paths with whatever limited competency or accomplishment or wish and willingness to better and maintain abreast with updated instruction AIDSs and updated accomplishments. The 21st century is the epoch of flawlessness in all Fieldss. Not merely research in all Fieldss particularly in teaching method is undergoing springs and bounds but all accomplishments are being rationalized where limited cognition is reviewed and even questioned. Every instructor is expected to build up himself merely like the solder on Himalayan boundary lines without the least pretext so as non merely to be the best performing artist with limitless cognition but besides be the extremely dependable resource individual. It is to be noted that in modern times the whole instruction sector is viewed from a position. However, it is besides to be highlighted that despite their functions as role-models and besides facilitators in modern teaching method, instructors have to be of all time equipped with equal cognition of the capable affair in order to truly command their â€Å" stand † vis-a-vis their pupils. The amateur or seasonal instructor has no topographic point in today ‘s schools for today instructors are non judged and accredited merely for their being & lt ; good & gt ; ( Bon Monsieur / Bon Madame ) but for their command of the topic taught, the techniques used or even exploited side by side with the instruction AIDSs and follow up actions including appraisals and remedial exercisings. On the other manus, the stakeholders excessively are in outlook of the best from them. Gone are yearss when the owners/ directors of private secondary schools were self-satisfied with a state of affairs with ‘good ‘ and ‘less good ‘ instructors. Adieu amateurism! This is their common armor. ‘We need the best and merely the best ‘ is the modern call. This is how and to what extent the PA hails as the existent beacon, for now through this device it is a piddling undertaking or activity to place the ‘good ‘ and ‘bad performing artists ‘ . Acerate leaf to state that at that place may, by bad fortune be some ‘unlucky ‘ 1s who are hit by error. But no system is 100 % perfect. So, in this instance excessively there is some grade of possibility that the PA has certain â€Å" victims † . But we have to rest assured that no unfairness is done to anyone for the truth is that although these schools owners/ directors do hold high expected marks despite they themselves being of small or no academic making, by dint of larning from observation for several decennaries at a stretch they are today really much in a place to make up one's mind which is which for the enthusiastic child with good grade classs from a celebrated university where he may be merely holding theoretical cognition while these old and cunning knuckleboness have acquired meaningful experience after larning through observation twelvemonth after twelvemonth. The challenge of every private secondary pedagogue non merely lies in run intoing the instruction and larning facet but rests on the list of chief responsibilities which are as follows: program of work to adhere to, learning followed by changeless advice to pupils for betterment, rectification and recording of assignments, behavior audiovisuals, built-in usage of learning AIDSs, remedial action for the benefit of the pupils, form maestro ‘s work, staff direction, instructors morale, parent ‘s conference with answerability and connate responsibilities. In the exercising of the above mentioned responsibilities with work undertakings to be regular, there are improbable tonss of much concern to be aroused although accomplishing high quality of work in conservative private secondary schools in Mauritius. On this footing, it is non ever possible to find the single work consequences and compare them. Therefore, the direction should invariably actuate staff members more expeditiously instead than forbearing from allowing some staffs ‘ increases, based on junior-grade defects like a few latenesses, in certain private establishments. Then once more, direction prolonging others to mount the stepss particularly to those hold given rise to favoritism or to those with greater consideration. P.A is really pulling much attending in attached educational establishments, such as Ecole Du Nord et al although majorly funded by pupils themselves where the figure of pupils has quickly increased due to low market force per unit area and cost effectual installations ensuing in betterment on quality of instruction every bit good as overall staff public presentation. Consequently exposing new subdivision school system as a whole with the building of Northfields in the North of the island. P.A is utile as it enables us to obtain reappraisal and place mistakes on whether worker ‘s public presentation is clearly aligned with the aims set.MethodologyExplicating a research designThis research is the survey of the trouble of emerging public presentation assessment system in a private instruction sector where the work loads continually change due to the singing attitudes of pupils and rotational nature of the work. It will travel through the dangers and chances to set up the personal work consequences and compare them to make direction sight. From this information, the survey will understand the available manner to be followed and the surrogate protection it will necessitate.The Research QuestionSing the above job country and research aims, the research inquiry would be formulated as follows.â€Å" Is public presentation assessment system doing usage of the proper tools and procedures to be comprehensive and to the intent so as to place itself on a balance which shoul d be homogeneously linked to direct wage? †The Research DesignTo continue, a systematic method is adopted. After specifying the job, formulating and developing hypothesis, a research design must be established. Our research design will dwell of the steps necessary for obtaining the information needed to work out the research job: SAMPLE UNIVERSE Sampling Unit of measurement Sampling Technique SAMPLE SIZESample UniverseThe full private secondary schools in the North of Mauritius are our sample existence. The common feature of this population being that every establishment is governed by the same regulations and ordinances of PSSA but each employer with his ain manner of operation.Sampling Unit of measurementThe trying unit will sort the schools into separate organic structures, i.e. each school with the existent population along the work load of each and every staff.Sampling TechniqueFor the intent of our research, we can either do usage of simple chance sample which gives every person an equal chance of being selected in the sample or non-probability convenience sample which is helpful. But I strongly fear of if there is a clip restraint.Sample SizeWe are taking a representative sample of 50 staffs to be questioned for the intent of the research.The Research ApproachA combination of both qualitative and quantitative dominated research methods to measure PA system will be worked on.The Qualitative Research MethodIn order to understand the kernel of the system and invent possible solutions, five semi-structured interviews inclusive of single interviews and group interviews will be carried out.The Quantitative Research MethodTo back up the quantitative research method, questionnaire study will be used to obtain both descriptive and analytical information. It will analyze officers ‘ existent perceptual experience and flexibleness with respects to aptitudes.The Questionnaire StructureThe questionnaires will be composed of three types of inquiry design: Simple closed ended inquiries ( Yes & A ; No replies ) Multiple Choice inquiries ( Choose any 1 reply from following options ) Simple open-ended inquiries, which will supply a qualitative penetration into our research.The Pilot SurveyA first bill of exchange will be pre-tested with five individuals – that would non organize portion of the sample – so as to gauge the population ‘s ability to understand the questionnaire and therefore enable to do any necessary alterations beforehand.Datas AnalysisDiagrams, graphs, charts and statistical methods from SPSS would be used for informations analysis.Restriction of surveyWhile working on the research, there might be some restrictions which will act upon our research, such as: The research will be carried out in a limited country. Time will be a major impeding factor. Sample may non be exact representative of the whole population and as such non give better consequences. The possibility of prejudice responses ca n't be ruled out. Lack of handiness of full information. Respondents might non be willing to make full in the questionnaires.Data CollectionThe research instrument is a self-administered questionnaire which included unfastened ended, dichotomous and offered multiple picks inquiries. Data is the representation of basic information. The chief beginning of information is as follows: Primary informations Primary informations can be obtained by interviews or merely by communicating or by observation, whereas secondary informations are readily available to the school as they may hold been collected antecedently for other intents. For the interest of the survey, primary informations shall dwell of information gathered from the study and interviews performed. The information collected would be based on respondents ‘ replies and feedbacks with the aid of structured questionnaires and concentrate interviews. Following the completion of informations aggregation, the informations will so be tabulated prior to analysis.